2025 Summoners War Wiki Database

Light Robo

Skillups Needed: 9 (Use Family Skillups)
Energy Bolt: Attacks the enemy to deal damage that increases according to your MAX HP and increases your Attack Speed for 1 turn.
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Multiplier: {ATK} + 0.18*{MAX HP}
Execute Self-Destruct: Self-destructs to inflict damage that's proportionate to your MAX HP on all enemies. You will be defeated after this attack. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Multiplier: 0.54*{MAX HP}
Energy Release (Passive): Increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 50% and decreases the Attack Bar of all enemies by 50% at the moment of death. [Automatic Effect]
Multiplier: none
Leader Skill: none
Keep in mind these are just general recommendations, you will need to alter your rune and stat builds based on what content you want to use this monster for and what team you are using him with.
ROBO-E65 Build Tips
E65 is a unique monster. He is easy to build since you want him to go first to deal big damage and boost your team's ATK bar.
Throughout the game you want him on as much SPD and HP as possible. Swift is ideal. Violent isn't great since he kills himself after he attacks.
Recommended Artifacts:
DMG Received from Wind -
DMG Received from Fire -
DMG Received from Water -
DMG Received from Light -
DMG Received from Dark -
SPD+ Proportional to Lost HP
DEF+ Proportional to Lost HP
SPD Increasing Effect +
CRIT DMG Received -
HP When Revived +
ATK Bar When Revived +

•E65 is a grenade that boosts your entire team's ATK bar! He is an insane unit for a speed cleave team.
•Once he dies he boosts your team ATK bar by 50% while also reducing enemies ATK bar by 50%.
•E65 has a limited role as a sacrificial ATK bar boosting nuker.
•You will need to bring a strong reviver if you want to be able to use him more than once.
GB12 (0/10): He is not recommended for Giants B12.
DB12 (0/10): He is not recommended for Dragons B12.
NB12 (0/10): He is not recommended for Necro B12.
SF10 (0/10): He is not recommended for Steel Fortress B10.
PC10 (0/10): He is not recommended for Punisher Crypt B10.
ToA (0/10): He lacks CC to be useful here.
Rift of Worlds (0/10): He has no real use here.
Labyrinth (0/10): He is not recommended here.
Dimensional Hole (0/10): He is not recommended here.
Arena (10/10): He is an excellent cleave team with Megan, and 2X Lushens. This team deals massive damage and will help clear comps when 2 Lushens just isn't enough.
Guild Wars (9/10): Similar to Skogul, he'll be able to cleave teams with big damage. The benefit to him over Skogul is he can do big AoE damage on 1st turn and boosts your teams ATK bar.
RTA (7/10): He's good in the lower ranks in RTA to quickly climb the ranks. As you get higher in the ranks he'll become less effective due to everyone's tankiness and rune quality to counter.
Megan + E65+ Lushen (x2)
For Massive damage in both GW and arena try Megan (Leader Skill, ATK Boost, ATK Bar Boost), E65 (Big Damage, ATK Bar Boost) and Lushen's Big Damage. Turn Cycle: Megan-> E65-> Lushen (x2)
Galleon + E65 + Lushen
This is a great cleave comp for Fat Lushen in Guild Content. Galleon (Speed Lead, ATK Buff, Def Break), E65 (Big Damage, ATK Bar Boost), and Lushen for pure, raw damag. Turn Cycle: Galleon-> E65-> Lushen